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About Scott Road Chiropractic

Dr. David Egan speaking with patient in his office

Since moving back to the area in 1991, Chiropractor Dr. David Egan has provided a continuous legacy of quality care to the Surrey community.

Our Philosophy

At Scott Road Chiropractic, we believe that health is one of our most valuable possessions. We’re committed to teaching our patients that true health is a journey, not a destination. We hope to educate people about the value of maintenance care, while helping as many people in our community as possible.

Our desire is to help people see the benefits of moving from the prevailing sickness care model of health, in favour of the emerging wellness model.

Helping Patients Stay Active

As many residents of our beautiful city prioritize their health and are passionate about staying active—whether cycling, hiking, biking, or golfing—we want them to know that chiropractic care can allow them to participate in the sports and activities they love and enjoy vibrant health!

Along this road of life, we accumulate injuries and stress that damage our bodies. Muscles tighten, joints become stiff, misaligned, and lock up, and nerves get pinched or irritated. We end up feeling unwell, stressed out, and with much less energy than we would like.

Chiropractic works to undo the effects of a lifetime of stress on the body. Our goal with each patient is to help restore their health and well-being, allowing them to be as active as they want, and enjoy life to the fullest.

But good health is much more than just being symptom free. True wellness comes from the optimal function of our physical, mental, and spiritual being. We believe prevention is the best way to attain and maintain wellness. Exercising regularly, eating healthy foods, getting adequate rest, and regular chiropractic adjustments are important aspects of prevention.

Early in his practice, Dr. David had a mum come to see him suffering with a heart arrhythmia for 19 years. Doctors had tried different medications with varying levels of success. Because of the condition, she was unable to allow her young daughters to go in the pool. In the event of an episode, she would have to jump out of the pool, leaving the children alone.

After many weeks of care, her condition improved 100%, and she could go swimming with her girls and do other activities without worrying about limitations.

Book Your Visit

Ready to learn more about how chiropractic care can help you live your best life ever? Call today to book an appointment.

About Scott Road Chiropractic | (604) 599-3997